So I have exactly 4 weeks and 4 days to try and lose 8 to 10 pounds. But this time no pills and I don't think I am going to calorie count anymore. This is just another short term goal to get to my long term goal. Tito is graduating from NCO Academy Sept 2 and I want to feel good about myself since I get to dress up like a princess that night!! Well its semi formal but still we don't get to play dress up that much so I take advantage of it every chance I get. We are currently trying to convert to real food eating. It has been a slow two year process but I didn't know that's what I was doing until just recently, lol. I found out I had a tremendous amount of food allergies in Nov 2008 and we started slowly changing our diet then. I have the normal lethal allergy to peanuts, but I also have a lethal allergy to legumes. Yea I know, dumb huh? Most people have never heard of that one but trust me when I say we went against what the allergist said and I had severe reactions all 3 times, so we don't play with that allergy anymore. I am also allergic to corn and soy (in case you didn't know soy is a legume) however here is the interesting part I cook with soy sauce. As long as I cook the soy into my dishes I don't have a reaction to it. I have no idea why but that's just how it is. Now I will say I don't add soy to all my dishes and over time I have figured out how to use it less and less in the Filipino dishes I cook. The reaction I have to corn is more like the reaction people who are lactose intolerant experience.Anyway this is not about my allergies, but that is what prompted our food changes. I began to realize everything that was prepackaged, bottled, or bagged contained some type of corn or soy derivative. So I had no choice but to start cooking some things from scratch using some canned products. So like I said our switch has been a long one but I am excited because we have pretty much made great leaps and bounds in the last few months. Then I discovered some great resources and am happy to say will probably make the rest of the changes in the next couple months. So I said all that to say that the reason I won't really count calories is because I am really trying to rid my mind of the diet concept and the only way to do that is to EAT REAL FOOD and eat smaller portions. Well I have noticed that eating smaller portions seems to be easier when you eat real food. Buying real foods is difficult here in the deep south, but the more I dig the more I find stuff. So, over the next 4 weeks I am going to continue to blog about how well I am doing! Wish me luck:O)
Loves Angela
When I stopped eating meat, I dropped a lot of weight pretty quickly. But when I read 'A Kind Diet', she mentions chewing each bite 30 times. It takes you a lot longer to eat but you eat WAY less because you give your body the chance to feel "full". A small thing that makes a huge difference! Good Luck!
ReplyDeleteThanks Rachel I had no idea you didn't eat meat. I still like meat and want to eat it, (even after watching Food Inc., I know I know) but I am amazed at how much I don't really crave it. I am reading a book by Michael Pollan and he talks about meat not being the focal point of your meal and that is what I am striving for. I have never been a veggie person and then when I did start eating them we found out I was allergic to a ton of vegatables and fruits. So if I eliminated meat from my diet, protein would be hard to come by for me because I am allergic to all beans, peanuts,soy, and hazelnuts, almonds, etc. etc. didn't mean to write a book but thanks for the encouragement!! And I still love trying vegan or vegetarian recipes!!