I don't really know what has happened that has stopped me from blogging and cooking for matter. Maybe life, maybe bordedom, maybe life and boredom..haha. But I am back and ready to bring it. We bought a new grill (yay!!) I decided that is why we like to eat out cause we both love grilled food. I especially love grilled veggies. We made a trip to GA and TN and really enjoyed ourselves. I met Gelato and fell in love, (don't worry its a frozen dessert not another man..lol) if you have never had Gelato you should find a place that sells it (and makes it fresh themselves) it will ruin you!! You will never want plain ole ice cream again. It was soooo soooo very yummy. We have also had to give up driving to the Whole Foods Market in New Orleans until our home in GA gets some reliable renters in it. While I can't buy all hormone antibiotic free meats at the commissary they do have some and I know that their standards for meat are higher then other grocery stores. I found Gelato at the commissary and was so excited I bought two flavors and tried it as soon as I got...it was ok. Not the same as the fresh stuff. But it will have to do for now until I can find a place around here that sells it. I am still working on Christmas gifts but its taking longer then I thought it would.
I love the fall, ever aspect of it really except 1. I don't really like fall and winter fruits that much...I know I am going to have to expand my pallette and try some but I am really afraid. I can only eat apples if I peel them but I can manage that, but pears are so gritty....I really don't like it and then their is the dreaded fig...ugh, really not looking forward to that one. Well enough of my chatty cathy-ness. I gotta run till tomorrow...Loves Angela
Oh PS tomorrows dinner will be Chicken Caprese with bacon (our favorite but I am beginning to get bored with it. Spell check isn't working....so sorry about all the errors:O(
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